Big Texas is always the focal point of the fairgrounds, and Palm Harbor Homes has been very fortunate to have a home displayed just behind the big guy himself. I can't imagine how much of an investment this is for Palm Harbor and I was anxious to see the home.
Imagine my surprise when I walked into the home, oohing and ahhing and taking a ton of photos and not one salesperson (there were multiple) approached me or said a word to me. Or to anyone else walking the home for that matter except for talking to them about buying a chair.
What a missed opportunity! These sales people had more traffic in this time period than they probably see in a year, a beautiful home to sell and educate visitors with about manufactured housing and Palm Harbor, but instead they stood there looking like they hated being there. I felt really bad for Palm Harbor that their investment was obviously not being appreciated by their sales team.
When a consumer comes into a model home, it's for a reason - they are looking for decorating ideas, they are interested in buying a home, or they may be looking for someone else who wants to buy a home, but bottom line there is an interest that brings them in our front door. Consumers don't want to be sold anymore, they are looking to us for information and to be educated to help them feel secure about their buying decision. Until we open a discussion with these potential buyers, we won't be able to sell them a home. As a Lifestylist® I make make the homes as beautiful, meaningful and interactive as possible, but it's still up to the sales team to engage the buyer and sell them the home.
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